Friday, February 27, 2015

Senior Systems Administrator Job Description

A senior systems administrator maintains the computer system of the company.

The information technology (IT) department plays an integral role in the functioning of a well-run organization. The senior systems administrator is a member of the IT department. The senior systems administrator works with a team of people to ensure the smooth functioning of a company's computer server system. The successful performance of this job is crucial in order for a company to have a successful future; because of this, the individual in this position must have confidence, previous work experience, excellent problem-solving capabilities and the ability to work under pressure.

Position Description

As a senior systems administrator of a company, you will work and manage a team of systems administrators as well as other members of the IT (information technology) staff. The specific duties of the senior systems administrator vary depending on the field that the organization specializes in. The senior systems administrator's main task is to maintain the computer systems of the company. He will provide hardware assistance to personal computers, laptops, printers and system monitors for the office employees. The senior systems administrator researches and decides on the new upgrades for the company's computer system and deals with any of the problems associated with the new hardware. The position requires the purchasing of different parts for the computer network. Also, training and supervising prospective IT employees falls under the senior systems administrator's job description.


The senior systems administrator must have a solid foundation in computer operating systems, computer programming language and hardware and software troubleshooting. Most importantly, however, she should be familiar with the other employees in the company and what computer needs they may have to excel in their position. Frequently, the senior systems administrator will be called to fix a problem and will have to either delegate an IT employee to solve it or have to do it herself. A successful and efficient senior systems administrator will be a good problem solver and cannot cave under pressure. Unexpected situations will arise every day, where either the entire company's computer system will go down or an employee's laptop will not turn on, and the senior systems administrator has to deal with these situations in a timely manner. Also, she must have strong written and oral communication skills. Frequently, interaction will be required with senior level staff of the company, and the senior systems administrator must be comfortable speaking at meetings as well as writing company proposals.

Education Requirements

The position requires an advanced degree in either computer science or some other related field. The Bureau of Labor Statistics recommends that if you are interested in this position, courses in computer programming, computer science, computer engineering, mathematics and statistics are helpful. Also, you should an extensive computer programming background as well as considerable work experience with computers and computer systems. A senior systems administrator position is not a position that you walk into overnight. This position requires that you work your way up in a company. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most workers begin as computer support specialists and then advance into network or systems administration positions. Preferably, more than 5 years of previous experience in system administration is recommended. Also, the Bureau recommends that since technology is constantly changing, the senior systems administrator must remain current and continue to learn new skills, which can then be taught to the other workers in the department. This position is an ongoing learning experience.


Salary varies for this position depending on the company, size of the company, location of the company and years of experience you have. The median salary for a senior systems administrator in 2009, according to Glass Door, was $81,309. Glass Door also reports that the salary can range from $60,000 to $105,000.

Related Occupations

If you have experience working with computer systems and are looking for a career advancement or a career change, the Bureau of Labor Statistics cites some related fields which you should consider, including computer and information systems manager, computer scientist and computer software engineer.