Thursday, December 3, 2015

Conflict Mediation Training

Conflict mediation training teaches a prospective mediator why mediation is useful and use this effective tool in the business world, school settings and in your personal life. Mediation is a process that involves a neutral third party, the complainant and a respondent, all of whom work toward resolving a conflict.


Training includes learning the principles of mediation and the mediator's role. Mediation training examines the goals and stages of the mediation process. The mediator must learn to be aware of bias and values and ask questions, including using neutral language and learning reframe questions. The mediator must be an interactive listener, and the mediator listens and responds appropriately. Conflict mediation training teaches this technique.


Conflict mediation training also discusses confidentially, conflict of interest, informed consent and impartiality rules, all of which are ethical issues that are essential to effective conflict mediation, explains


Conflict mediation trainees learn the nature of human behavior when in conflict and study issues pertaining to power imbalance and cultural diversity. Learning all facets of conflict mediation allows a mediator to cover all areas as he helps those in disagreement come to a peaceful and workable resolution.