Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What To Do About Deer Blind Trespassing

What To Do About Deer Blind Trespassing

Deer blind trespassing entails hunters illegally setting up deer blinds on property where they have not been cleared to hunt or are not allowed to hunt. This can yield serious fines or even cause people to go to jail if they are caught. There are a number of ways to prevent this from occurring on your property.

Posting Signs

There is a chance that the people who are trespassing with their deer blinds don't know they are not allowed to hunt there. So the first thing to do is post signs around and throughout your property instructing people that there is no hunting or trespassing on the property and that violators will be punished to the full extent of the law if caught. This will be the first warning to anyone thinking about trespassing on the property and blatantly disobeying the law. This will also give you more of a case when you call the authorities and these people are caught.

Build a Fence

Building a fence around the property is an excellent deterrent, as most blinds take a bit of material to construct and the fence will get in the way of that. It is also more of a barrier for hunters who want to sneak on the land and hunt to get over, both coming and going, especially after they have shot a deer and have to hoist it over the fence. While there is some concern this will keep animals from roaming freely on and off your property, breaks in the fence can be made in areas that are out in the open, which will allow animals to come and go as they please but also make any hunter wandering onto the property more easy to be seen.

Authorities and Cameras

If the trespassing problem continues, the authorities should be notified so they can drive by the area on a regular basis and search for any signs of deer blind trespassing themselves. You can also set up cameras in the areas the hunter's blinds have been set up in the past or in areas where you think illegal hunters would target to hunt. This will catch the hunters in the act on video, making the case much more easy to win in court. Do not approach the hunters when they are on your land, as these are essentially strangers with guns whom you may be getting into trouble. Simply go inside and call the authorities, giving as much information about them as you can.