Thursday, September 18, 2014

Rebuild Broken Trust

A bond of trust is something that develops over time. It is a remarkable part of a relationship based on respecting the strengths and weaknesses of others. However, trust is often lost and when that happens the struggle to regain it begins. Broken trust can be rebuilt but only if the following action steps are taken.


1. Acknowledge that the trust in your relationship is broken. Denying that you feel betrayed can lead to resentment.

2. Communicate exactly how you feel to the person who has broken the trust. Silence is not golden especially in relationships with trust issues.

3. Decide if the relationship can survive a breach of trust. The situation or event that caused the trust to be broken cannot be permanently erased from your mind.

4. Accept the apology of the person who caused the trust in your relationship to be broken. Forgiveness is essential for your relationship to move forward successfully.

5. Recognize that regaining trust will take some time. Let the person who broke the trust know that you are willing to work daily on rebuilding the trust in your relationship.