Monday, March 30, 2015

Strategies For Fatigue In The Workplace

When workers become exhausted and stressed, the result is reduced productivity and lower job satisfaction. Worker fatigue also has the potential to create an unsafe work environment; exhaustion contributes to making mistakes with machinery, mishandling hazardous materials and engaging in reckless driving. Consider implementing strategies to combat fatigue in the workforce.


Fatigue in the workplace has several causes. The State Government of Victoria lists poor workplace practices as one such reason. Poor practices could include heavy workloads, extreme physical conditions, tedious and monotonous tasks and interruptions in a worker's natural circadian rhythm by working night shifts. External circumstances also contribute to worker exhaustion. A poor diet, stress from home and little exercise may cause employees to feel worn out.

Working Conditions

Cross-training workers creates multiple benefits, including reducing fatigue. By varying the routine, workers refresh their minds with new tasks. Additionally, Ram Nath Sharma, author of "Advanced Industrial Psychology," explains playing instrumental music in low tones during night shifts also combats exhaustion. Sharma states that 75 percent of workers are in favor of hearing music on the job.

Health and Wellness Education

One way of combating worker exhaustion is training employees on proper health and wellness. In the case of desk workers, education on sound ergonomics may be beneficial. Stretching, going for short walks during breaks and sitting in chairs that reduce back pain are examples of sound ergonomics. For employees with active positions requiring physical exercise, health and wellness programs may include meditation and eating for strength and vitality. The book "Strategies for Addressing Health Care Worker Fatigue" recommends that employers establish sports teams and provide access to gym facilities at a discount cost. In-house therapists may also help employees manage stress from external circumstances. A healthy workforce also provides the additional benefit of reduced health care costs.

Flexible Scheduling

Condensing shifts too close together may cause workers to feel overworked and stressed. Ensure workers have adequate rest time in between each shift. Varied schedules are particularly essential for workers in fields such as aviation, medicine and security. Errors in these fields could endanger the safety of citizens and fellow employees. Appoint someone to double-check scheduling to verify that enough time lapses between each shift. If necessary, ensure ample opportunities to rest by providing on-site sleeping facilities with proper lighting, healthy food choices and comfortable bedding. Do not interrupt the sleep of workers unless an emergency arises.