Muriatic acid is another name for hydrochloric acid, which is an extremely caustic chemical. Muriatic acid is often used for cleaning or purification purposes, and it may even be mixed into a swimming pool (so that the acid is diluted enough not to hurt the swimmers, but strong enough to kill unwanted bacteria). Safely storing muriatic acid with other pool chemicals requires a bit of time and thought.
1. Place the muriatic acid in an acid-resistant container. Typically, this is a plastic container that's made specifically for holding caustic liquids, but glass containers will also hold muriatic acid--although they break easier than plastic.
2. Store the muriatic acid in an area that remains at 70 degrees F or lower, as the chemical reacts poorly when it gets too hot. Climate-controlled storage areas or cool basements work well.
3. Store the muriatic acid on the floor, and keep other pool chemicals on shelves above the acid. Muriatic acid reacts poorly if it comes into contact with bases, so make sure that you read the ingredients on your pool chemicals to see if they'll react with the muriatic acid. Also, store all of your pool chemicals in acid-resistant plastic or glass containers. That way if the muriatic acid does come into contact with the other pool chemical containers it won't penetrate inside. Try not to store other chemicals close to the muriatic acid; if you must, choose chemicals which are also acidic and not likely to cause a reaction if they come into contact with the muriatic acid.