Monday, December 14, 2015

Howard Gardner'S Types Of Intelligence

In 1983, Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple types of intelligences through which a human being learns and interacts with the world. Gardner proposed that different types of intelligence are responsible for specific inputs and behaviors. Understanding Gardner's theory can help you form a better understanding of how you and those around you understand the world.

Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical and Musical intelligence

Linguistic intelligence is displayed through language. Those strong in linguistic intelligence have the ability to use words to express themselves and tend to process information through language. Logical/mathematical intelligence is found in the ability to think logically and problem solve. Critical thinking is often associated with logical/mathematical intelligence. Musical intelligence is the ability to detect musical rhythms and to recognize notes. Musical intelligence is prevalent among musicians, singers and songwriters.

Bodily/Kinesthetic and Spatial/Visual Intelligence

Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence is associated with body movement and the ability to coordinate movement intelligently. Examples of people strong in bodily/kinesthetic intelligence are athletes or dancers, whose movements are not directed by individual intentional thoughts, but flow in a stream of intelligent action. A more common example of bodily/kinesthetic intelligence is your ability to talk while you're walking, which is a activity that requires intelligence; it is unlikely that you are consciously thinking about the process. Spatial/visual intelligence is prevalent among artists or others who create visually, or to interpret visual images.

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Intelligence

These types of intelligences are also referred to as personal intelligences. Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to interpret the intentions and motivations of others. Intrapersonal intelligence can also be refer to as a sense of empathy. Intrapersonal intelligence is a sense of self-awareness, the ability to discern your own motivations and emotions and intelligently respond to them. Intrapersonal intelligence includes being aware of how your actions affect others.

Additional Intelligences

Gardner also suggested the possibility of additional intelligences of natural, spiritual and moral; these intelligences tended to be more esoteric. Natural intelligence is the ability to connect and understand the natural environment. Spiritual intelligence deals with knowledge and understanding of spiritual or religious matters. Moral intelligence is the application of ethics to your actions and decisions.