Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Make Your Own Banner

Whether you're starting an online store or a personal website, your online presence should have a banner including a logo to create the look of an established place on the Web.


1. Open Photoshop and create a new file.

2. Change the size to 450 px wide and 60 px high, and make sure "RGB Color" is selected as the Color Mode. This will create your canvas.

3. Change your background color by choosing the Paint Bucket Tool, which is the bucket icon, from the Toolbar. This can also be accessed through the options given after clicking the Gradient Tool.

4. Choose your desired color on the colored squares at the base of the Toolbar and click on the canvas with the Paint Bucket Tool icon selected.

5. Select the Text tool, the capital "T" icon, from your toolbar, and click on your canvas.

6. Type in the name of your website or company. If you need subsequent lines of text, click off the stage, and click back on it to create a second line of text.

7. Change the font face or font size by selecting the text, and choosing your settings in the Toolbar at the top of the screen.

8. You can also change the font color by highlighting the text and selecting the Swatches panel from the tabs on the center-right of the screen. Select a swatch or make your own by choosing your desired value on the color gradient.

9. Select the arrow tool, and use it to move the text around your canvas.

10. When you are satisfied with your text and the rest of your banner, select Layer > Flatten Image.

11. Select File > Save As to begin saving your banner.

12. Select the folder where you want to save your banner, and select .gif or .jpg as the file type from the drop-down menu in the lower half of the pop-up window.