Thursday, November 26, 2015

Develop A Positive Attitude In Employees

Employees who are satisfied with their jobs generally perform better. One of the jobs of a manager is to help employees develop good attitudes and outlooks about the job. With satisfied employees, interactions with customers will be smoother and more pleasant, helping to increase the bottom line by fostering an atmosphere that will create more repeat customers. In short, happy employees equals a bigger bottom line for your business.


1. Treat employees with respect at all times. Patient training and correcting of mistakes will go a long way toward employees being happy to learn new tasks and doing them correctly. Treat employees in a friendly manner, but never become overly familiar with any team member. Treat every employee exactly the same, and never let your personal opinions of team members be known.

2. Foster a feeling of trust between yourself and your team members. If someone comes to you in confidence, never break that confidence. Employees should feel comfortable coming to you with work-related problems, such as pilfering, theft or other rule-breaking. If you promise something to a team member, always come through for that person, even if you have to make a personal sacrifice.

3. Treat your employees as team members, and consider them as members of your work family. Ask for opinions and treat them with respect. All suggestions do not, of course, have to be implemented, but take the time to explain to each person why their idea is or is not feasible. If a suggestion is put into action, give credit to the employee who came up with the idea.

4. Deal with problem employees promptly and fairly. Document the employee's actions as concrete proof as to what you are discussing. Do not accept excuses; simply tell the employee that changed behavior is expected. Keep the discussion upbeat, rather than punitive. End with the feeling that you believe that the employee can change for the better.