Monday, June 15, 2015

Get Sports Sponsorships

A sponsorship for your sports team can help take you to the next level.

Sport sponsorships are a popular way for companies and businesses to advertise their services and create awareness about their company in the general public. A sponsorship helps to nurture a team's talent and promotes that particular sport. A sponsorship also helps the team gain an edge and provides the necessary funds to purchase items such as uniforms and equipment. Finding a sponsorship can seem daunting but is easily accomplished with a few simple steps.


Get Sports Sponsorships

1. Build your team's resume. Include the qualities that set your team apart from the others, which should include all awards won and any special recognitions. It should also include activities such as community events or community service projects the team has participated in. When selecting which companies you want to send the team's resume to, take the time to research several businesses and the products they offer. If you feel your team and the company both could benefit from a sponsorship, approach that company. Be sure to list on your resume any particular knowledge of a company's products and the team's willingness to promote and test products.

2. Write a short introductory letter to the companies you would like to get a sponsorship from. It should include your intention in the opening sentence and a few key highlights from the team's resume. The letter should also explain why the team wants to represent the company and what the company stands to gain from such a relationship. Let the company know you will be following up in a specified time period. Call each company before you mail the letters to find out who should receive your letter. You can also search the company website to find a list of names in the marketing department.

3. Follow up with the company. You can send an email or make a phone call, but a face-to-face meeting makes a good impression and lets the company know how interested you are in a sponsorship. You can use this opportunity to remind them of the mutual benefits of a partnership. Consider bringing along a few members of the team. Follow up with a thank-you note for the meeting and for their continued consideration.