Friday, June 19, 2015

Deal With Noisy Neighbors

Noise can be a problem when people live close together.

Having a noisy neighbor ruins your ability to enjoy your property and your home. If the noise is a constant problem, you may be unable to sleep when you want, read a novel or work at a home-based business. When you try to address such neighborhood problems, don't be overly driven by anger and remain anonymous if possible.


1. Assess if the noise is really unreasonable. If the noisy neighbor is working on her car in the middle of the day, that may be reasonable. If your neighbor is working on his car at 3 a.m., revving it up to check the engine and playing the radio at full blast, that is unreasonable.

2. Leave an anonymous letter about the noise issue at your neighbor's home. Be sure to leave the letter not long after the latest noise incident. Mention that specific issue and how it affected you and or your family.

3. Contact the local police if the problem continues. This will provide documentation of the complaint, and you will not have to get angry with your neighbor.

4. Contact the city you live in to find out if there is a noise ordinance. File a complaint with the noise abatement department or similar office. The neighbor may be contacted by the city if he is found in violation of a noise ordinance.

5. Talk to your other neighbors. If you are hearing the noise, chances are they are too. If the offending neighbor is completely unwilling to quiet down, see if other neighbors will file complaints with the city. Or go as a group to your property management association if you have one. As the old saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

6. File a small claims suit against the neighbor. See if you can get financial compensation for the suffering you've endured. Even the threat of a lawsuit may end the noise problem.