Friday, January 23, 2015

Share Your Invention Ideas

Share Your Invention Ideas

You've come up with an amazing invention idea, but you're not sure refine it. How can you find out if it is truly a good idea? What will other people think of it? If you are one of those amazingly creative people who are constantly coming up with inventive new ideas for new products or services, but you aren't sure what to do after you come up with the idea, then read on.


1. Talk to friends and family, or other people you trust. Although many people might go straight to the Internet to share their ideas, it is better to refine your invention with trustworthy people who will give you an honest opinion--and who also won't steal your ideas! See what they think, and carefully consider their advice.

2. Talk to a professional. For example, if your invention idea has something to do with cars, visit a mechanic or someone who builds cars as a hobby. Chances are, they may know more about how viable your invention idea is than you do. It is important to find someone who knows a lot about your subject if you are serious about pursuing your invention idea.

3. Join a club or professional organization. There are many groups and clubs for inventors, offering information about document your invention ideas, as well as tips and forums (see Resources below).

4. Start your own club. Put an ad on or in your local paper, asking for people who would like to discuss invention ideas (see Resources below).