Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Create The Most Effective Newspaper Ad

Newspaper ads should be simple and outline benefits to potential purchasers.

Newspaper advertising can be an expensive business proposition, so it is important to maximize your advertising dollars by creating ads that are noticeable, memorable and have simple messages. Before you start writing your ad, know your target audience's preferences. Color ads have greater appeal than black-and-white ads, while ads with images garner more attention. Successful ad headlines and copy will clearly show the benefits of your product or service to potential purchasers.


1. Research the characteristics, likes and dislikes of your target audience and plan your ad to appeal to them.

2. Choose as large an ad as you can afford, since larger ads get noticed more than smaller ads and offer more creative options. Once a large ad is placed in a newspaper, smaller ads can be used frequently to reinforce the larger ad.

3. Write the ad so that it showcases your product's or service's benefits to the purchaser, not simply its features. For example, front-load washers can take larger loads, which produces the benefit to the purchaser of spending less on laundry energy costs. Ensure that the ad headline tells readers what the product or service will do for them and that headlines are short.

4. Choose color ads with highly contrasted colors to draw readers' attention. Four-color ads will draw readers' attention better than two-color ads. Leave a fair amount of white space in your ad so that ad copy is easily read. If you must use a black-and-white ad, use white text on a black background for impact. Place your company's logo at the bottom right of the ad for greater visibility.

5. Include an image in your ad, because an image will help sell the message of the ad copy. Use an image of people using your product or services if possible so that potential purchasers can imagine using your product themselves. Refrain from using a photo of your business, as it does not hold great appeal with potential customers.