Monday, December 15, 2014

Advertise A Local Business

How a local business fares is largely dependent on how many people in the area have heard about it. A business that goes unnoticed will not survive long. But, with the right advertising, a local business can become well known in the community and have many paying customers.


1. Check the rates at the local newspaper. For some regions, particularly in large cities, the newspaper may be one of the most expensive ways to advertise locally. If a 1/8 or 1/16-size ad is too expensive, consider running a classified ad. These are smaller and will not feature pictures or graphics, but they will be far more affordable.

2. Talk to the local radio stations. Radio ads are often one of the most affordable local advertising markets. For a set budget, a radio station can promise you a certain number of times that your ad will air during specified time periods. The times that have the most listeners will be more expensive, but having your ad play during those times will greatly increase the exposure your business gets.

3. Create a commercial for local television stations. Like radio stations, TV stations can work within your advertising budget to create an advertising plan for your business. Even if your commercial only gets played two times per month, your business will receive wide exposure with a local TV commercial.

4. Call billboard companies and find out their rates. Billboards rates are often charged according to the part of town the billboard is located. In the ritzier parts of town, the rates per month will be far higher than in the parts of town where incomes are lower. If you want to target specific areas of town, a targeted billboard in that area can pay for itself in exposure.

5. Call local coupon companies. Many areas have one or more direct mail coupon companies that send an envelope full of coupons out to the local residents. These are also targeted by neighborhood. The areas where residents have more disposable income are considered the best areas to advertise most types of businesses. Choose one or two areas to send coupons to depending on each area's income level and the need for the item being sold. If the business is a retail store, advertising in the surrounding area may be best for bringing in immediate traffic. Many coupon companies can work with you to design a coupon to meet your needs, or you might design your own with text and a photo.