Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Convert A Garage Into A Small Craft Store

Converting your garage into any kind of small business takes work. The specifics vary from case to case, but generally there are steps that have to be taken if you want to make your garage into a functional nook for displaying crafts for sale. Here are some basic guidelines on go about this.


1. Go to your local planners and ask about any government restrictions on what you plan to do. Chances are your project falls under the category of "small business." If so, you may need to get special dispensation from a local zoning board or city council.

2. Renovate for client access. Make sure your garage is secure yet outfitted with good access so clients can easily get in and out. This might mean adding another door or removing some obstacles from the area.

3. Install display gear. Once you've got all of the junk out of your garage, you'll need to specifically install displays for storing your crafts at eye level or somewhere clients can browse them.

4. Ramp up production. Whatever kind of crafts or goods you're selling, you will need to make sure you can keep up with demand. That's not to say you should produce a glut of crafts before gauging the market. Find the right balance to make sure your business enjoys continued success.

5. Advertise. It can be in the local papers, in public areas on bulletin boards or just through word of mouth, but it's critical to get the word out about your business to get clients in the door.