Monday, December 15, 2014

Advertise In Bridal Magazines

Reach your bridal customer by putting a catchy ad in a magazine.

The bridal industry is a broad one, consisting of various different businesses, shoppers and advertisers. According to the Library of Congress, there are many services offered to those who are planning a wedding, so advertising is important for the vitality of any service or store. Whether you run a wedding boutique, DJ service or catering business, you want to reach the millions of people who need your service. Advertising in a wedding magazine is a smart move that will ensure exposure to its readers. According to, the bridal planning stage--or engagement stage--brings in $183 million from couples who plan their wedding over 18 months.


1. Write a catchy, engaging advertisement.

Look at the kinds of services your business offers to brides and make sure that the ad you will place directly relates to the wedding industry. Advertise your most desired bridal service, or create ads for the separate services you offer. Write the copy (text) for your ad in an engaging, warm voice and make sure you list your company's contact information within the ad.

2. Make sure you have the budget for advertising.

Take a look at some bridal magazines and get an idea of what sorts of ads--along with their sizes-- stand out and catch your attention. This will give you some ideas. Decide what your ad will consist of and how it will be created. Design your ad using a computer program or have a graphic design or advertising company create the ad for you. Consider your advertising budget and allot a certain amount toward your ads. Most major bridal magazines will charge more money for an advertisement, since they have a larger readership.

3. Contact the magazines you think your ad would work well within.

Visit your local magazine or book shop and peruse the magazine rack. Open the magazine up and look at the advertisements. Note what kind of advertisements they display. Take note of some magazines you'd like to advertise with, and look for the advertising contact in the masthead of the magazine. The masthead typically lists the advertising information. Call or email the magazine and ask about advertising rates and ad placement.

4. Opt for online magazines for Internet exposure.

Visit the website for the magazine you want to advertise in--including online bridal magazines. Find their contact information and send them a message about advertising and ad rates. Send your ad to them according to their guidelines.