Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Pros & Cons Of Banners

Banner website advertising saves you the time of seeking out advertising on your own and then doing the ad testing to see what works. This is all done for you by the CPM company you choose. The revenue sharing means less profit for you, but you get one monthly check instead of waiting for all the separate ones to come in.

Saves Time

A pro of banner advertising is that it saves you the time of having to find advertisers on a continuous basis. It also saves you from having to manage and bill for the space. It is simple and takes little time to enter a line code into your URL after choosing the CPM you decide to use. As long as your site continues to generate traffic, you will be served with advertisers.

Less Profit

A con is the lower pay in banner advertising. You get a smaller cut because you are not selling the space directly. The shares that the CPM advertising companies are paying out to their partner websites are on a 60/40 or 70/30 revenue split. This is a big cut from what you could make if you sold the space on your own.

One Monthly Check

A pro for this type of advertising is the one monthly check you receive. You do not have to wait for the multiple advertising checks to come in on time. You get paid all at once, which is a plus when you count on the money for a specific purpose.

No Choice Of Ad

A con for this type of advertising is not knowing what type of ad is going to be put in your space. Although you can usually count on it not being of an adult only nature, occasionally you might get one that can be a problem. It might be a product that is competitive with your business or an ad that is irritating from its constant flashing.

No Ad Testing

A pro for banner advertising is that you do not have to weed out what is not working on your site. As much as you want to make money, so does the CPM company, and it will quickly pull off an ad that is not generating income. Not having to do ad testing takes the stress out of figuring out what works and what does not.


A con for the banner ad is that it sometimes overshadows the content of your web page. Depending on the server that your customer is using, the banner can float on top of your material, blocking the customer's view. This floating banner phenomenon seems to happen more when using older servers to access the page.