Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Write Product Copy

Write a product description that makes a catalog reader want to buy.

Whether you are displaying your product in a catalog or brochure or on a website, the copy that accompanies the photo goes a long way toward persuading your prospect to buy. Effective product copy presents more than just the technical information about a product; it reaches your prospect on an emotional level and gently persuades him to take action.


1. List the benefits of the product, rather than merely the features. Show how the product will make the prospect's life easier or better in some way. "Fully equipped IBS brakes" describes a feature. "The ability to stop on a dime to keep your kids safe" is a benefit.

2. Use descriptive language that helps the prospect paint a picture in his mind of what the product will do.

3. Use conversational language so the prospect can relate to what you're saying, but be specific. Don't just say something is reliable; state what makes it reliable. Don't just say it is fast; say how fast.

4. Write the product copy so it is easy to read. Make it easy to order the product or to obtain more information. Use short, common words that are easy to understand.

5. Attract attention with a headline that stresses a benefit, makes a promise or describes something about the product to pull the prospect into the copy. Don't use the headline just to state what the product is.