Friday, April 24, 2015

Make Money Selling Jeans

Make Money Selling Jeans

Since their invention, jeans have been such a staple of fashion and clothing that their trade resembles a commodity. Jeans account for an enormous percentage of the worldwide garment market, and unlike other fashion items, the volume of jeans sales is still increasing. Follow a few steps to tap into to this "wundermarket" and make money selling jeans.


1. Find a supply of jeans. Whether it's used Levi's, a secret source of designer jeans or just a regular supply chain, you need to have a reliable and inexpensive source for your jeans before you begin to sell them.

2. Create and define your brand. Even if you're selling the most ordinary jeans, you should carve out a brand for yourself. Decide if you want to be known as a dealer of inexpensive, fashionable or edgy jeans wear. Determine your brand on the basis of your projected market and do all you can to reinforce the brand's values.

3. Open a number of sales outlets. You should try to sell jeans in as many place as possible. Unlike more complex and niche products, like jewelry or electronics, jeans can be sold anywhere to anyone. Try multiple avenues like farmer's markets, local stores and online markets.

4. Sell to foreign markets. Selling jeans to foreign buyers might sometimes seem like an arms trade, with customs checks, anonymous buyers and marked-up prices. But denim is legal and profitable, so it's worthwhile to find unexplored jeans markets. Keep in mind that the more remote a place is, the higher the markup you can take.

5. Start your own design brand. Jeans brands like Diesel and Lucky have proven that there is serious money in the business of designer jeans labels. Find a good designer and fashion marketing expert and launch your own label. Even if you keep your label local and boutiquelike, your profit margins will likely be high, and your chances of success fairly good.